Middle Ridge is a uniform dress school. Students are expected to wear clean uniforms daily.
- Plain solid color pants, shorts, jumper or skirt in khaki/tan, black or navy should be worn with a belt. All items should fit at the waist not appearing to be oversized for the student. Shorts and skirts should be at least at the student’s fingertips in length.
- Tucked in solid color, plain collared (such as polo or button down the front) shirts/blouses or plain solid color round neck T-shirts (not under wear T-shirts) in red, white, navy, and black are acceptable. Middle Ridge spirit wear T-shirts are also acceptable.
- Athletic tennis shoes are preferred. No flip flops or slides.
- Heavy Jackets should be hung for the day. Sweat shirts or sweaters may be worn all day for warmth and should be solid school uniform color. No hoods or hats are worn during the school day.
Every Friday will be free dress. Free dress allows students to wear clothes according to the NCSS guidelines.

Parking is prohibited in the fire lanes in front of the school. There is a minimum $75.00 fine for parking in a fire lane. The fire lane runs the entire length of the building. Student pick-up in the afternoon and student drop-off in the morning is done only at the front of the school. To assist parents and ensure student safety, parents will receive a car number and specific regulations for car traffic.

Throughout the school year it is possible that we may experience severe storms during school hours. We have television, radio, computer, and civil defense communication for such warnings and a set of emergency procedures that we practice with our faculty, staff and students. If a severe weather event occurs, please stay home or at work and allow us to enact our emergency weather procedures. Children will be safer at school than in a car during a storm. We will do everything to keep students safe and we will not release buses in unsafe conditions. In case of severe weather, please listen to the television or radio to find out information. School closings will be announced on most local radio stations.
Parents it is very important that the school has a current phone number on file at the school in case of severe weather.

Textbooks are the property of the school and are loaned to you to students to use during the school year. Students are expected to handle books carefully and to keep them in good condition. Be sure that your name is in each of your textbooks.
Parents will be required to pay the cost of any lost or damaged textbooks. If a student loses a book, he/she will not be given another book until payment is made for the lost book.

Our school has a "Lost and Found" area where lost items are turned in and may be re-claimed. All items of clothing, which are to be removed, such as coats, sweaters, and caps, should be labeled with the student's name. Any items in the "Lost and Found" which are not claimed by the end of each quarter will be donated to a local charity.

Only two parties are permitted during the school year: one on the last day before winter holidays and one on the last day of school.

No pets of any kind are allowed at school without permission from the school principal. The principal may give special permission for pets to be brought to school as part of a special display or activity. Under no circumstances is a potentially dangerous pet to be brought to school. Pets or animals are not allowed on the school bus.

Toys and other personal belongings such as radios, MP3 players, IPODS, IPADS, cell phones, electronic games, baseball cards, and cameras may not be brought to school or on class field trips unless they have been approved as part of a class assignment. If such items are brought to school and become a distraction to the learning environment, the item(s) may be taken up and kept in the school office until parents come to claim them.

Students are not allowed to sell things like toys, Girl Scout cookies, candy bars, gum, or baseball cards, to other students or teachers at school.

Students in the Newton County School System experience various forms of standardized and teacher-made tests. Discuss with your child's teacher the types of tests your child will encounter during the school year.